
Friday, August 20, 2010


My husband got a new phone yesterday which he was busy with for a good part of the evening. I remember him saying that he has so many old numbers. I didn’t think any anything of it as I was busy with an invitation order. This morning when I woke up for fajr to eat I recalled the dream that I had. Just like many dreams, this one didn’t really have a beginning. It started with him showing me messages on his phone. The messages were from a lady and they were clearly an indication of the love affair him and her had together. In my dream, I was not angry. I just said “pack your stuff and leave”. I think I repeated that several times “PACK YOUR STUFF AND LEAVE”. But, why was I not angry? The real me, the day-time-awake-me would’ve been angry. Dreams are weird….


To dream of a spouse or partner cheating on you may simply indicate that you are feeling insecure about the relations ship (consciously or unconsciously) . Or it could reflect suspicions you have about your partner’s possible infidelity. Of course this doesn’t necessarily mean that your suspicions are justified.
In some cases it could also be an expression of one’s own feelings of sexual inadequacy. It could also reveal a secret desire to have one’s partner engage in sexual relations with someone else.


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