I can’t understand this one. It was really random and unexplained.
So I was on my way to Austria. AUSTRIA! Why would I go to Austria?!? I was travelling alone; it was dark, misty and the mood was solemn (for others), I was excited to travel though. My sister dropped me off at the airport; I just about made it on the plane. I can’t understand why I was late. They – my sister and her husband are not usually late for anything.
On the plane, I noticed a black, African (possibly Nigerian) man and I saw that he had bags of cocaine strapped around his ankles. He was friendly and tried to befriend lots of ladies including me. I was afraid; I feared that he might plant some cocaine into my bags. I felt tired and really wanted to sleep but I forced myself awake because of my anxiety over this guy and his drugs.
I don’t know how the dream ended or what happened next, this is all I remember.
Why I dreamt I was in this situation is beyond me. I haven’t watched any TV like the programme “Banged up Abroad” which involves similar stories about drug smugglers etc. I didn’t even read anything like this, nor heard any related tales. This dream really baffled me.
MEANING (of nightmares):
Observations and unrealized thoughts or painful feelings which are left unprocessed during the waking hours are felt in the form of dreams and nightmares at night as they seep out from the sub conscious mind-thus these dreams and nightmares exist as a coping mechanism for an individual to deal with tough issues. The rational waking mind is not able to resolve all issues and the nightmares form an outlet for these issues.
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